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Millionaires for the Month 青少年英文小說 價格比較,價格查詢,價格歷史信息

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Millionaires for the Month 青少年英文小說 描述

【百萬鉅款的金錢挑戰】 當你有一筆意外之財,你會怎麼花?如果有整整一個月的時間都能花大錢呢? 腳踏實地、循規蹈矩的 Felix 和古靈精怪、調皮搗蛋的 Benji 是同班同學,平常的他們因為個性天差地遠並沒有什麼交集,但因為實地考察的作業分組而湊在一塊,沒想到竟然就讓他們遇到了天上掉下來的意外之財。 他們撿到了一個皮夾,而這個皮夾的主人是一位億萬富翁 Laura 女士,他們原本想直接還給她,但是她卻先跟男孩兩借了20元來買熱狗。還主動向兩個男孩提議,她將主動還給他們這筆借款的利息-當1分錢的利息以每天雙倍的速度成長,一個月後便會變成5,368,709.12美元,將進537萬!而且 Laura 女士償還的唯一條件,就是 Felix 和 Benji 得花光每天的利息,不能買送給別人的東西,只能買給自己用,還不能洩漏給別人知道,連爸媽也不行!而如果他們成功了,還能再額外得到每人一筆十萬的金額,能不受限制使用。 Felix 和 Benji 當然樂意地接受挑戰,他們租了很酷的車、到迪士尼樂園玩、買披薩給全校吃,而這還只是剛開始。但當他們逐漸發現並不是所有事都能用錢解決,而且越來越大的金錢開銷已經不再容易做決定,一切都不再輕鬆好玩... 本書結合了數學與理財觀念,讓讀者能從兩個男孩不可思議又誇張的際遇中,看清金錢、物質與心靈精神間的關係,無止境的消費無法填補逐漸擴大的空虛,有限、甚至吃緊的消費卻可能創造意義重大而無法用金錢衡量的價值。 Felix Rannells and Benji Porter were never supposed to be field-trip partners. Felix is a rule follower. Benji is a rule bender. They're not friends. And they don't have anything to talk about. Until . . . They find a wallet. A wallet that belongs to tech billionaire Laura Friendly. They're totally going to return it-but not before Benji "borrows" twenty dollars to buy hot dogs. Because twenty dollars is like a penny to a billionaire, right? But a penny has value. A penny doubled every day for thirty days is $5,368,709.12! So that's exactly how much money Laura Friendly challenges Felix and Benji to spend. They have thirty days. They can't tell anyone. And there are LOTS of other rules. But if they succeed, they each get ten million dollars to spend however they want. Challenge accepted! They rent cool cars, go to Disney World, buy pizza for the whole school-and that's just the beginning! But money can't buy everything or fix every problem. And spending it isn't always as easy and fun as they thought it would be. . . . ISBN: 9780593175255

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