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The Rabbit Listened 繪本迷真愛收藏推薦 書林平民繪本專賣店 價格比較,價格查詢,價格歷史信息

The Rabbit Listened 繪本迷真愛收藏推薦 書林平民繪本專賣店 規格

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The Rabbit Listened 繪本迷真愛收藏推薦 書林平民繪本專賣店 歷史價格(單位:新台幣)

The Rabbit Listened 繪本迷真愛收藏推薦 書林平民繪本專賣店 描述

【男孩不哭!讓小兔子陪著你、傾聽你】 當我們陷入低潮,有時單純的一個擁抱、溫暖與陪伴,就是最大的安慰;勝過任何言語,也勝過任何建議。讓話不多但默默聆聽的小兔子一起來溫暖你的心!”The Rabbit Listened” 這天,Taylor興奮地用積木蓋著一座很大的、特別的城堡。他堆啊堆,終於完成啦!不過計畫永遠趕不上變化,一群糊里糊塗的烏鴉衝過城堡,積木堆應聲四散。Taylor好生氣又好難過,抱著膝蓋坐在地上不知道怎麼辦。動物們發現沮喪的Taylor,一一跑來安慰他。 首先是慌慌張張的雞:「Cluck, cluck, 你可以、可以跟我談談!」再來是棕熊:「Grarr, 你一定很生氣,一起和我大叫吧!」動物們七嘴八舌地安慰Taylor,但都沒有效果便一一離開。突然Taylor發現一團暖暖的東西靠著他,原來是小兔子來了。小兔子沒有說任何話,默默地聽小Taylor抱怨、發脾氣,用體溫安慰他。Taylor漸漸地不再難過,打起精神,和小兔子一起開心地計畫下一座城堡的樣子。 本書對不同動物的台詞做了有趣的設計,像是靜不下來的雞說話總是一直重複,蛇吐信的聲音sss...讓s結尾的單字拉長,充滿趣味。低潮時分,讓繪本默默陪伴你,讀著童趣的故事情節,也能一面整理內心的思緒與心情。 A moving and universal picture book about empathy and kindness, sure to soothe heartaches big and small. When something sad happens, Taylor doesn't know where to turn. All the animals are sure they have the answer. The chicken wants to talk it out, but Taylor doesn't feel like chatting. The bear thinks Taylor should get angry, but that's not quite right either. One by one, the animals try to tell Taylor how to act, and one by one they fail to offer comfort. Then the rabbit arrives. All the rabbit does is listen . . . which is just what Taylor needs. With its spare, poignant text and irresistibly sweet illustration, The Rabbit Listened is about how to comfort and heal the people in your life, by taking the time to carefully, lovingly, gently listen. ISBN-10: 073522935X ISBN-13: 9780735229358 書號: 20254339 Product Dimensions: 10.3 x 0.4 x 10.4 inches

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