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Starry Night, Blurry Dreams/Henn Kim eslite誠品 價格比較,價格查詢,價格歷史信息

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Starry Night, Blurry Dreams/Henn Kim eslite誠品 歷史價格(單位:新台幣)

Starry Night, Blurry Dreams/Henn Kim eslite誠品 描述

南韓藝術家 Henn Kim 圖文作品集贈誠品獨家作者手繪紋身貼紙!(數量有限,贈完為止)(作者親筆簽名貼紙、限量提袋已贈畢~) 繪製暢銷小說《正常人》封面而備受矚目的藝術家 Henn Kim 即將出版個人圖文作品集《Starry Night, Blurry Dreams》 隨著Kim的黑白圖像詩作,緩緩的褪去每個人矯飾的外衣, 直視我們最羞於承認的情感、最深切的想望、最無法言說的傷痛…… who are you when you're alone Starry Night, Blurry Dreams is a collection of graphic poetry about loneliness, love and existing in our world. a heavy heart is hard to carry hold on When words aren't enough to describe our emotions, this book will offer comfort, joy and a friend in the dark. we all have our own beautiful universe 【詳細資料】 誠品26碼/2682016395004 ISBN13/9781526635600 ISBN10/1526635607 EAN/9781526635600 語言/英文 尺寸/0.1X0.1X0.1CM 裝訂/精裝 頁數/304 級別/無 Henn Kim Henn Kim was born (1982) and raised in Ulsan, South Korea where she lived until she was 18. After moving to Seoul at 19, she focused on music and art, and often designed cover art for indie bands in Seoul. She worked at a design company as a graphic designer, but decided to follow her own path as an illustrator/artist and has been following her dream since 2015. Since then, her work has been commissioned by the BBC, UNICEF, Nike, Bottega Veneta, Snapchat and TED, featured in GQ, The Big Issue, Vogue and on book covers, and exhibited in Hong Kong and Korea.

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