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【麥克書店】A BUSY DAY FOR BIRDS|英文故事繪本 價格比較,價格查詢,價格歷史信息

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【麥克書店】A BUSY DAY FOR BIRDS|英文故事繪本 描述

【麥克書店】A BUSY DAY FOR BIRDS|英文故事繪本 **** 入選 2020年台北市深耕閱讀推薦書單 **** Peck, hop, flap and make some noise in this story full of colour, rhyme and feathered friends - now in paperback! Flap your wings, fly up high, open your beak and sing in this fun action rhyme story about fantastical birds by multi-award-winning author Lucy Cousins. "Can you imagine ...just for one day're a busy bird? Yes, a bird! Hooray!" Can you stand on one leg like a flamingo or waddle like a penguin? How about say "cock-a-doodle-doo!", "tuwit-tuwoo" and even "tra-la-la"? What a busy day you will have! A bouncy read-aloud book to be enjoyed; beautifully illustrated with bold, bright colours and packed with all sorts of wild and wonderful birds! 作者:Lucy Cousins 繪者:Lucy Cousins 平裝書規格:26x30cm/平裝/彩色 平裝書出版社:WALKER

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